
We Who Walk the Seven Ways: Memoir | Native Studies

University of Nebraska Press Contributing Author
Unpapered: Writer's Consider Native American Identity and Cultural Belonging

University of New Mexico Press Contributing Author
Tending the Fire: Native Voices and Portraits

University of Oklahoma Press Contributing Author
The People Who Stayed: Southeastern Indian Writing After Removal

The University of Arizona Press Contributing Author
Children of the Dragonfly: Native American Voices on Child Custody and Education

Johns Hopkins University Press Contributing Author
Voices Confronting Pediatric Brain Tumors 

NIB Narrative Inquiry in Bioethics

A Guide for Families Friends and Caregivers

KAAN: Korean American Adoptee Adoptive Family Network

Craft, Community and the Art of the Essay

Matador Network Contributor

Adoption Today and Fostering Families Contributing Writer, 2000-2015
Feature articles and essays focusing on race, identity, adoption, foster care
Adoptive Families Magazine Contributing Writer, 1995-2012 
Feature Articles and Columnist 

Author Terra Trevor turns to themes of motherhood 
In these twenty-two essays, author Terra Trevor explores themes of motherhood, race and identity, foster care, transracial adoption, community and family ties.

Terra Trevor: Writing, Reading and Living: Essays and Stories | Blog and Journal