Follow my stories while I stumble along with simple life, simplicity, downsizing, and journey moderately minimal.
My Journey Toward Less Start Here
It would take me many years to embrace the concept of living with less, but that afternoon was a beginning.
Living and working from home, finding my rhythm
A Small Wardrobe for a Lithe Life: Project 333
What Emotional Issues Surrounding Clothing Are Swimming Around in Your Head?
Moving and Downsizing
Chapters 31, 32, 33. Early years beginning my journey toward less
Finding peace and tranquility in the chaos of the holidays
My version of minimalism is moderately minimal
Earth and the Great Sea is my online journal, my open field to tell stories, think out loud, find inspiration, and share my inner and outer travels with simplicity and the rest of the world. I live with my family in California, based between the ocean and redwoods. Long morning walks, reading and writing are my practice, mediation and prayer, along with open spaces of stillness and solitude. Wander along with me.