Yellow Medicine Review: A Journal of Indigenous Literature, Art, and Thought

I'm honored to have my work included.

"Keeping It Real" Cover Art by Lois Beardslee.

Contributors to this issue include: Lareina Abbott, Marlee Baker, Antoinette Bridgers-Smith, Ty Bryant, Vivian Mary Carroll, Tommy Cheis, Nicholas Bimibatoo Mishtadim DeShaw, Dana Dickerson, Kerissa Dickie, Danielle Shandiin Emerson, Georgina Marie Guardado, Bridgette Hoshont'omba, Ira Thorpe Huff, Ava Kate, Maiah A Merino, Rahnawakew Donnie McDowell, Dimi Macheras, Eirliani Abdul Rahman, Raymond Sewell, Kurt Schweigman, Katie Timms, Tavia Torralba, Terra Trevor, Tanya Tyler, and Jennifer B.S. Williams.

Indigenous writers, young, old, established, emerging, traditional, urban, two spirt, academic, incarcerated, are brought together. We are sharing our voices, our best words, the thing we do in our community.  

Learning to Grow Right as an Elder, an excerpt from my memoir, We Who Walk the Seven Ways, shares space with a unique tapestry of voices, and speaks to the diversity and complexity of Native writings and culture. 

Cover art by Aakatchaq Schaeffer.

Goodreads Book Giveaway

We Who Walk the Seven Ways by Terra Trevor

We Who Walk the Seven Ways

by Terra Trevor

Giveaway ends July 31, 2024.

See the giveaway details at Goodreads.

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